Agression Estrie / Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel / CALACS
C. P. 1594, Place de la Cité,
Sherbrooke, QC
J1H 5M4
Services and activities
- Helpline and emergency support
- Help for victims of sexual assault, recent or not
- Direct assistance, prevention and awareness services
- Participation in political action
CLIENTELE : Women and teenagers (12 years and older)
OPENING HOURS : Services available everyday, 24 hours
It is not necessary to have initiated legal proceedings or intend to do so to access the services. This decision is up to the woman.
The Help Center Fighting Against Sexual Assault is a feminist organization that helps womens and teens from 12 years and over who have been victims of sexual assault.
The center offers services of direct help for the victim and their relatives, prevention and awareness as well as participating and initiating advocacy and political actions.