Aide aux victimes d’actes criminels de l’Estrie / CAVAC
Services and activities
- Post-traumatic and psychosocial Intervention
- Information sur les droits et les recours
- Technical assistance
- Accompaniment
- Referral to specialized resources
The CAVAC of the Estrie region also provides its customers with service points located in the following locations:
• Sherbrooke courthouse (office 2.15)
• Granby courthouse (office 2.25)
• Lac-Mégantic courthouse
• Sherbrooke police department
• Memphremagog police department
• Granby Police department
• Sûreté du Québec Estrie district, Headquarters
CLIENTELE: Any person, whoever they may be, who has been the victim of a crime committed in Quebec — by gesture, threat or omission — against their person or against their property
OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
TERRITORY: The territory of intervention of the CAVAC de l’Estrie corresponds approximately to the territory served by the courthouses of Sherbrooke (judicial district of Saint-François), Granby (judicial district of Bedford) and Cowansville (judicial district of Bedford ).
Crime Victims Assistance Centres, or CAVACs, offer front-line services to any crime victim or witness. Help from CAVACs is available whether the perpetrator of the crime has been identified, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted.