Association de Sherbrooke pour la déficience intellectuelle (ASDI)
2065 Belvédère sud
J1H 5R8
Services and activities
Support for the person, family and loved ones
- Reception and reference
- Phone surveilance
- Individual meeting
- Promote and support the integration of people with intellectual disabilities into society, particularly in the health, education, work and leisure sectors
- “entre-parenthèses” parent meeting (group that meets seven times a year to discuss various topics)
- Respite (activities)
The services also include the following components:
- social integration and participation,
- promotion of rights,
- education,
- adapted activities.
The Association de Sherbrooke pour la déficience intellectuelle (Sherbrooke Association for Intellectual Disabilities) is an association of parents created with the aim of promoting social integration and participation, promoting well-being and promoting the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.