Centre d’hébergement alternatif de Sherbrooke (CHAS)

1287, rue Belvédère Sud Sherbrooke, Québec J1H 4E2

Services and activities

  • Facilitate the transition between the network of youth mental health services and that of adult services
  • Assess and promote the person's ability to care for themselves
  • Develop skills giving access to a healthy and independent lifestyle
  • Develop capacities through daily in vivo support
  • Live a fulfilled and hopeful life
  • Facilitate the integration and use of services in your community
  • Help the person develop a network outside the mental health system
  • Support in reintegration into employment and school attendance


Clientele : People aged 17 to 30 living with a mental health disorder.

Accessibility : People are referred by the regional mechanism for access to mental health accommodation.


The Sherbrooke Alternative Accommodation Center (CHAS) is a second-line regional service offering transitional housing for young adults with a mental health disorder with or without a concomitant disorder.

Our mission is to provide support and transitional housing services to young people experiencing serious mental health problems. Create hope in order to give meaning to their lives, optimize their recovery by giving them the means to succeed while promoting integration into the community and pursuing a satisfying life.