Public Library – Bibliothèque Françoise Maurice de Coaticook

34, Main est Coaticook, Québec J1A 1N2

Services and activities

Our services are not limited to book rental. Take advantage of everything your library has to offer:
  • Nearly 50,000 documents in French and English, large print books and government publications
  • Nearly 3,500 audiovisual documents, such as compact discs, audiobooks, video games, DVDs and Blu-rays
  • Reference books, periodicals and board games
  • Bibliomobile Service - aimed at people losing their autonomy who cannot come to the library, either due to illness or disability, in a manner temporary or permanent. wireless Internet
  • Printing and scanning
  • Digital resources
  • Activities: story times, educational activities
  • Exchange groups: Reading club, Scrabble club